
          Floweressence was created by Savannah Gascoigne, Naturopath, Kinesiologist, and Microscopist based in Sydney, Australia.


         After noticing how most of her clients health challenges resolved when addressing the underlying emotional aspect through the use of flower essences, Savannah decided to create Floweressence to help a wider community.


        In our modern society we are very time poor and may find it challenging to allocate the time or financial resources to see the health practitioners we need.​ Floweressence offers a way to have a personalised experience with flower essences from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, without the hefty price tag of seeing a flower essence practitioner in person.

Our essences can help with:


For subtle symptoms of apathy and uneasiness to the more intense symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic. Flower essences can support emotional balance and promote positive emotional states.


Flower essences can be very effective when dealing with the mental aspect. From brain integration to boosting the cognitive processes, flower essences can ease brain fog, distraction, and confusion while promoting clarity and focus.


Many traditional healing practices link unresolved emotions to our physical health. Flower essences help to resolve suppressed emotions which have beneficial effects on our physical state of being.


We all have many relationships we are apart of during our time on earth. Family relationships, intimate relationships, our relationship with nature, the universe, and ourselves. Flower essences can help resolve any conflicts that may be negatively impacting our relationships.


Flower essences can help us when dealing with major or minor life changes. Moving, starting a new job, career changes, becoming a parent, a break-up or divorce all come with emotional baggage. Flower essences can help support us and our ability to cope during times of high stress and emotional turmoil. 


Whether recent or a long time ago, trauma can have negative effects on our health. Emotional, mental physical, and spiritual trauma can all be released and resolved with the help of flower essences.


We can often feel out of touch with the flow of life. By aligning our vibration to what we want most, things start to flow more freely. Flower essences work very powerfully to harmonise ones vibration to what we desire most; material or otherwise.


Flower essences are helpful when it comes to hormonal balance. PMS, PMDD, Peri-menopause, menopause, andropause (yes, it's a thing!) and more, can all be supported with the use of flower essences.


Many of us love to travel and / or travel alot for work. Flower essences can help to protect us from the negative effects of travelling such as jet lag, electromagnetic exposure, radiation, and the emotions that come along to.

  • I am not one for writing reviews but my story must be told. I was introduced to these remedies by a naturopath and I must admit I was sceptical at first, but decided to take a chance as flower essences are said to be completely safe. Like most people the pandemic was a particularly challenging time for me financially. I was prescribed the Abundance Essence which is an Australian Bush Flower remedy; I was told it comprised multiple flower essences. After taking this essence I came into a surprise windfall of money the next day; this was completely unexpected it has changed the course of my life. I cannot thank you enough for this, your products work, the result was unexplainable and miraculous! Keen to try more… I will review after my next experience.

    Con / Company Director / 39

  • I have always struggled with insomnia due to excessive worrying and the inability to switch my mind off. I was given the flower essences Crowea and Boronia and boy let me tell you. After sleeping at most 4 hours a night for 30 years, the first night after taking the flower essence mix I slept 6 hours and the second night 8! I feel better rested and more relaxed than I have in years.

    Wendy / Retired / 82

  • After many diagnoses from many doctors and no real success treating said diagnoses I had began losing faith. I decided to try more alternative health practices to see if I can experience some releif and have been shocked and pleasantly surprised after seeing Savannah for flower essences. I have done a total of 3 essences successively and every time I feel a big shift and notice amazing improvements in my health. I encourage anyone to just give flower essences a go. They are incredibly safe with zero contraindications so what do you have to lose.

    Kathy / Management / 48

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Pure Quantum Energy Makes Our Essences More Powerful

Excitingly, all our flower essences are infused with pure quantum energy using LeelaQ's scientifically proven, evidence-backed, patented technology.


Quantum energy can assist us in manifesting the reality we want by helping to align us with our true intentions. Quantum energy and flower essences work synergistically, offering a more powerful healing experience.


Additionally, quantum energy has also been shown to protect against harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). We have found that by infusing our essences with pure quantum energy using LeelaQ's Quantum Bloc, the flower essences are not only more powerful when applied, but also more stable during transportation and storage.

For more information about Leela Quantum Tech® check out their website.

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